Saturday, March 28, 2009

How To Embed PowerPoint Presentation to Your Post

Scribd is a site where you can store your documents - doc, ppt, pdf, xls, etc and share them with others. You can also embed a document in your blog or web page. "One of the best tools for English Language Learners to use for language development. They can write a few sentences, a story, or an essay; easily upload it to Scribd, and, then, within seconds, have its text-to-speech capability read it back to them. Plus, it's hosted there for free"

First, you must have a PowerPoint (ppt) file stored in your computer. At Scribd, you can either upload the ppt file or register first. The advantages of registering is you can edit and delete your uploaded files, view the statistics, make a Profile pages with links to your sites which may help you get more traffic to your sites plus improve the link popularity and PageRank.

Browse to your file, click "Upload", then "Publish". After a while, your file will be successfully uploaded and on the left, you will see a box with the script for you to paste into your post editor to display the PowerPoint presentation. Highlight the whole script (ctrl+A), copy to clipboard (ctrl+C) and paste it into the post editor window (ctrl+V). Now you will have to do a bit of tweaking to get the presentation to fit into the post.

First find out the width of the main column (posts) of your blog .Now the width of the main column will display a presentation 450 pixels. I will have to do a bit of tweaking to make the presentation fit the width of the post.

The script generated is

width="450" height="500">width="450" height="500" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

Note that there are two places where the width and height (highlight in red) in the script.

What I do is to open Irfanview and create an empty image by clicking on IMAGE > CREATE NE (EMPTY) IMAGE in the menu bar at the top, type in the width and height for the empty image (see screenshot below. Click to enlarge):

Irfanview resize empty image

Make sure that the "Preserve aspect ratio" is ticked, then enter a new width for the image. The height will automatically change to keep the image undistorted. In my case, I chose to use the new width of 399 pixels, and the height was automatically changed to 433. I then edited the two places for the width and the height in the script and it became

width="399" height="433">width="399" height="443" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

This edited script is then pasted into the post editor

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