Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stat Counter Visitor Map and Statistics

The Statcounter visitors statistics is a good recomendation as it gives me all the statistics I want so much so I don't feel the need to switch over or add Google Analytics (which is also not real time while Statcounter is real time).

It's easy to read testimonials with a cynical viewpoint, but for once I have to agree; this service is rather exceptional.

So onto Google I went, and stumbled across StatCounter. It was free, it said (but only if you want the absolute minimum of stats, I thought). It could be invisible, it said (but only if you pay a premium, I thought). It didn't asphixiate your site with pop-up windows, it said (yeah right, I thought, where's the catch?) Well it turned out I was wrong and that all the testimonials were quite right.

StatCounter.Com is helping me make everyday decisions in real time! I am able to figure out what is working for my new websites and my new business immediately after I implement a change.
The recent visitors to your website are plotted as markers on a Google map. This gives instant visual feedback about the location of your visitors worldwide. Each marker is expandable to give more information about when and how that particular visitor found your website, what webpages they navigated through and how long they spent on the website. The ability to easily zoom in and out on the marker is also available.
Refer to screen shot below :

Also, if you are curious about what other statistics Statcounter gives you, they will include summary, popular pages, entry pages, exit pages, came from, keyword analysis, recent keyword activity, recent came from, search engine wars, visitor paths, visit length, returning visits, recent pageload activity, recent visitor activity, recent visitor map, country/state/city/ISP, browsers, system stats (screen resolutions), lookup IP Address, download logs, and they are all real time data:

Statcounter statistics

  • Invisible or Visible Counter - your choice!
  • Custom Summary Stats based on all your visitors
  • Highly detailed Analysis of your last 500 pageloads
  • Manage multiple sites from one account
  • Discover:
    • what keywords visitors use to find your site
    • your most popular pages
    • links used to reach your site
    • what countries your visitors come from
    • how visitors navigate through your site
    • ..and much more
  • Email reports
  • And MUCH more!

StatCounter is totally free--and what's more, it offers loads of features that you'd only expect to find on expensive commercial services. Its friendly site provides plenty of help to get you started, the online interface is clear and simple, and the option to use an invisible counter is a teat bonus if you don't want anything interfering with your carefully laid out design. It might not go into the kind of depth offered by the likes of WebTrends, but StatCounter is an excellent free service that we'd highly recommend.

1 comment:

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