Saturday, March 28, 2009

How To Make Money Online

Earning as an affiliate online

You can make money online even without a product to sell online. Examples are Amazon for physical as well as digital (downloadable products), PayLoadz (for downloadable digital products only), etc. The majority uses the cookie system to track traffic coming from your affiliate links. Cookies are small files and data saved to the computer when you visit a website, and some consider cookies as spyware (non-malicious). If a visitor do not purchase anything on the first visit, if they return to the site later and purchased something within the lifespan of the cookie, you will still earn the commission. Anything later than that, you get nothing.

These are weakness of affiliate programs that uses cookies. Once cookies are deleted, your potential commission is gone, no more.

Also, most affiliate programs gives you affiliate links that are easily identifiable as such, for example

The part that comes after "com" is a give-away that it is an affiliate link, and some envious surfers who do not want you to get your hard earned commission will delete the identifying part an go to

and there goes your commission.

The best affiliate program ever

The best affiliate program I had ever come across is by Online Canadian Pharmacy Escrow Service. The system is not based on the unreliable cookie system. They have a unique system which you can earn commission by referring a visitor to their website, irrespective of when because it has no shelf life. That is pretty generous.

Make money online as a content publisher (Google Adsense)

Google AdSense have a abundant of advertisers and they serve text link ads that are very relevant to the content of your site, plus they have a variety of products (including a site search box which I use in all my blogs) which not only help you earn money, but can help your visitors. In fact, as an AdSense account holder, I have to be very careful when I visit my own site because the advertisements displayed by Google AdSense are normally related to what I am interested in, and if I am not careful, I click on the ads on your own sites, I may get my account suspended. However, things are not really as precarious as I described it because if you do make a mistake, you can to to AdSense Support and you will see a link to an online form to report invalid clicks. Not only that, Google AdSense have a way to detect invalid clicks and will not count them to add to your earning. In fact, I have reported invalid clicks twice and they replied that if it is only one or two, I may not need to report them as they can detect invalid clicks.

Google AdSense have various ways for you to generate income via their program and you can read about them at How do I earn with Google AdSense.

Sell own products online

This is the best option if you have your own products to sell, especially if they are digital products like Software, eBooks, music, movies, digital art, manuals, articles, certificates, forms, files, etc., that can be downloaded by customers 24 hours a day and 7 days a week without you intervening and having to do physical delivery. Selling physical products will involve physical delivery (hard, time consuming manual work) but may be suitable for some.

Some also help sell physical products of merchants who do drop-shipping, that is, you get the sale, they do the shipping. But I suppose the responsibility of the customer actually getting the products purchased falls on you, plus I am not clear about responsibility for the quality of the product.

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