Sunday, March 29, 2009

Review of the Iphone 3G for the average Joe and Jane

This review is for the average person who wants to buy an IPHONE 3G OOB (out of the box), it isn't for techies smack talking.

Iphone - Unboxing

Ok i got the phone some weeks ago, and was mildly surprised at the chic box i got. First off, the box is SMALL or for want a better word COMPACT. It's smaller than any of my other pda/touchscreen phones i have ever owned. Inside you will find a small pin for the sim insertion card, a quick guide (pretty useless), a very compact (and detachable connector) charger, a nice embossed micro swipe, a stereo headphone and a USB cable for synchronisation. The box has perforations for the charger to be put in directly. You can't put it in any other way lol. And of course you will find the phone placed on top of it all.The phone's is slim and has a got new shiny black plastic background (a nightmare really) and the rim has a silver rim around it. It looks good but its pretty oversized compared to some of previous smartphones. Having said that, its an Iphone so doh!


First thing i noticed about the iphone on booting, is the nice Apple logo. You will find the unit asking to be plugged into Itunes once its finished booting, so its ESSENTIAL that you find a computer to do this. The Itunes application needs to be downloaded too if you don't have it. Basically if you don't like Itunes, don't have a comp or don't use Itunes because you hate it .. well you're SCREWED especially if you don't have a comp.Once you're in, (and assuming you got Itunes on the comp), the phone will switch to default mode. The UI display is really immaculate, seeing is believing. The way it moves and coupled with the multi-touch thing, is like you tracing your tongue on Angelina Jolie's tatooed back. It's that sexy!So a lot of people been complaining about the iphone's lack of customisation (out of the box) and the answer is yes, it's true. I'm pretty used to the fact i like my interfaces to be customisable and unfortunately the iphone default interface wont allow that. What does this mean for you? Well. it's pretty simple. The iphone interface (as in settings) is pretty IDIOT proof. It's meant to be simple so that normal people (and I don't mind hardcore techies) can straight away into it without asking "i can't make it work?". I can even fathom that slapstick-moronic-comedians-that-aren't-even-remotely-funny from Malaysia can figure this one outOn the flip side, if you're a techie than you need to jailbreak it (unlocking previous locked capabilities of the iphone).

Getting the Groove On

Before you start using 3G data services ensure its not limited type as in 10kbp per sen because its going to cost you a bomb if you start using it. Best way, switch on wifi. Wifi on the iphone is PAINLESS. Unlike most of my other pda/smartphones it ALWAYS require some kind of tweaking. Right out of the box, the Iphone doesn't disappoint which is a plus in my books.Right, so I get itunes running and start looking at that App Store (IMPORTANT). Lo and behold, there's a multitude of apps, vids, etc on the store. And a LOT of them are FREE. So i'm thinking "nah it's prolly be shit anyway" so i start downloading tons of stuff. Let me just say, the stuff i downloaded are bloody awesome. Internet radio, online games etc are top notch. So were the vids (battlestar galactica anybody?). I especially like the IM software like FRING and Gtalk. The Facebook app is also pretty gorgeous looking. The software also has some acceloremeter based stuff like Tap Tap and which is pretty fun.Getting lost? LBS (location based service) software on the iphone is running on the Gmap application. How is it different than other GMap on other phones? Well first off, its faster due to its A-GPS, secondly the animation to show where you going is pretty nice to look at and again the idiot-proof thing comes into play.Watching the you tube thingy on the iphone was actually faster than my Dell xps (WTF?). The sound is rich using the supplied earphone. Impressive playback and excellent audio. All the search functions worked as expected so no gripes there.Which comes to the Ipod functionality, the Ipod app is THE application to have if you're a music addict and it doesn't disappoint. Flawless.

Mail and Messaging and Camera

The iphone comes with several options for push email, and since I'm using Gmail I love the way it works with the iphone. Just like the wifi configuration, it's a Dumb and Dumber proof way of getting mail. It's that easy. Fill in the details (basic), tap and voila! Email to you. The mail isn't truncated or butchered like you see on some other devices. So again yummy.The SMS functionality is again based on the same philosophy - Apple's idiot-free configuration. It's indeed friendly BUT here is where it fails. There isn't any way to filter messages, there isn't a way to display the messages in a different way and no way to put categories to them. Gah.Now comes the big booo booo. Lot's of iphone fans have ridiculed the use of MMS on phones as anything but a gimmick i.e. for kiddies and angst-teens. But the truth of the matter is, lots of people USE MMS. Period. They have said email can do better but you see not everyone use Email on their phone or even capable of doing it. MMS is the alternative and ITS CHEAPER on most occasions. And on the iphone --- NO MMS. Phailz! The IM capability is sound though as mentioned before so you be the judge. Like SMS/MMS fumbles, the camera on the iphone is a big letdown. 2MP is ok-ish but that isn't the issue. The issue is there are NO SETTINGS whatsoever. And no video recording unless you jailbreak your phone and use a 3rd party app. There isnt a 2nd camera for 3G either. Doh?

Connect the dots

Right you got the files, images and documents and you want to transfer them to your friends laptop/pda/phone? You got the bluetooth up and you scan .. and scan and scan. And you get - ZIPPO. Yes- nothing, nyet, bohliaow, elek, nada. That's because for some ungodly reason the bluetooth profile is wired to audio BT only. WTF apple? Even my super ancient Ericsson can do it And before you iphone fanbois open your mouths about it being possible with JBreak, please STFU because I'm talking about the iphone out of the box. This imo, is the BIGGEST boo boo that Apple has made. So the ONLY way is thru your wired connection. Yup thats right - wired.

Ugga Ugga

Ok you're looking for a stylus because you're used to it - you wont find it on the iphone lol. How do you write then? The iphone's virtual keyboard that's how! First off it looks good and it seems to be intuitive but after a few weeks I'm getting pretty peeved the closeness of the keys especially in portrait mode. And i got bony hands! You can't use nails either. Must use fingers! So the chances of you mistyping is HUGE. Pretty frustrating especially messaging really tbh.

Thiz Iz Serious Biznes

Would I recommend the Iphone to business people then? And the answer is a big NO. It lacks the most important stuff - SPEED! imagine you typing into it. IT's HARD! Lack of multi tasking abilities is another issue. If you're a business dude stay away from this phone like the plague. No BT, no scan reader, basic messaging and typing into that that tiny vkeyboard and the list goes on. Still... if you can bear all of this and style and charisma is more important, the Iphone exudes it like Britney wearing no panties! Everyone wants to take a look at it!

All your bases belongs to me

Is the Iphone worth RM2500-2800 pricetag? Answer is yes. Despite all of its shortcomings, the Iphone turns the phone industry inside out with WinMo devices clambering with a slew of Iphone-like interfaces. Yeah granted it sucks not being able to send files thru BT, it has a sucky v-keyboard, horrible messaging capabilites (good email though), horrible camera (lack of 3g twin camera configuration even) and lack of true business-centric stuff. You got to remember Apple is still a NOOB in the tele-c industry and with just their second phone, they're already shaking the industry to the core.Verdict: Go get it (if you can live with ALL of it drawbacks) or Don't get it (coz wtf ... insert whine)

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